
Cacao Ceremony & Chant Circle

Organised by Le Cercle Vertueux
PAST EVENT – Sunday 3 March 2024 – 3pm/6pm – 30 €

By sitting in a ceremony circle, you open your inner capacity to receive and to give, creating a momentum that’s conducive to change.

Cacao is medicine for the heart and body, for creativity, sensuality, the Earth and so much more…

Hypnosis and sound bath

Presented by Charlotte and Fanny
PAST EVENT – Sunday 10 March 2024 -11am – Free admission

Charlotte Boulé and Fanny Aubin propose an exploration of the chakras, guided by the voice in hypnotic meditation, in synergy with the vibrations of the Tibetan bowls. A pure moment of relaxation and re-harmonisation.

In the well-being yurt, followed by a shared meal by the river.

Information and bookings: 0785362886 – 0618080109
Facebook: joyeuseHypnosis and Thai massage

Yoga and intuitive painting day

Proposed by Catherine and Babeth
PAST EVENT – Saturday 23 March 2024 – 9.30am/4pm – €80

During this day, Catherine and Babeth invite you to take advantage of the tranquillity of the large yurt by the river to get in touch with your inner self and let your creativity emerge.

Bring a shared meal.

Information and booking: –

New Moon Circles

Proposed by Béatrice and Océane
PAST EVENT – Sunday 7 April 2024 / 11.30am-5pm – 20€ to 30€ choice

12 participants maximum

We open this space to women who wish to discover their sacred femininity and the subtle link that connects us to the Moon. Together we’ll explore how this can become a precious support in our daily lives and in our personal and collective development.

We’ll start with a shared lunch in Spanish hostel style and continue our practices in the large yurt, and potentially outside too depending on the weather.

We invite you to register as soon as possible, and by the Monday before the circle at the latest, by text message or email.

Béatrice: 06 83 18 00 61 –
Océane: 06 44 01 59 05

Until we meet again, we wish you a beautiful lunar season.

Cosmic Breathwork

Brought to you by Barbaramindfulness
PAST EVENT – 11 May 2024 / 9.30am-12.30pm – €35

Treat yourself to a unique journey and dare to breathe the essence of your Being.

This experience is an active breath meditation that leads you to an expanded state of consciousness, emotional release, awareness and stress reduction.
A magical moment when you are fully present in the here and now.


Information and bookings:

To be found on the networks:
Barbara Mindfulness
Barbara Créatrice d’âmeS’aimantes

Hypnosis and sound bath

Presented by Charlotte and Fanny
PAST EVENT – Tuesday 14 May 2024 – 7pm/8.30pm – choice of prizes

Charlotte Boulé and Fanny Aubin propose an exploration of the chakras, guided by the voice in hypnotic meditation, in synergy with the vibrations of the Tibetan bowls. A pure moment of relaxation and re-harmonisation.

In the well-being yurt, followed by a shared herbal tea with seeds and fruit.

Information and bookings: 0785362886 – 0618080109
Facebook: joyeuseHypnosis and Thai massage

Initiatic retreat The soul in action

Suggested by Magalie and Assia
PAST EVENT – From 17 to 20 May 2024 – 399€/person, ecolodge accommodation included

This retreat during the Whitsun weekend is an opportunity for those looking for a time to reconnect with themselves, to find peace, gentleness and joy in the depths of their soul.

As well as collective movement practices and individual treatments, there will be a collective sacred harmonisation treatment with the 5 elements, as well as vigils and times of chanting and mantra to align ourselves with the energy of Mother Earth.

Places are limited to 12 people to ensure the highest quality of work.

For more information on the programme etc… call Magali at 0628624483.
Can be booked without accommodation or at the workshop

moonlight ceremony in connection with water and plants – women’s circle : meet your plant ally

Suggested by Amandine
PAST EVENT – Wednesday 22 May 2024 / 7pm-10pm – €30 per evening / €50 for 2 evenings (including the evening of 26/06)
8 participants maximum

I’d like to invite you to come and celebrate the lunar star on the Full Moon in a soothing, natural setting by the river. The Full Moon is the moment in the lunar cycle that connects us to the archetypal Mother, in all her power and generosity.
As women, we’ll be celebrating our bodies, our souls and our femininity to connect with Water and Plants. Water and plants are part of us: they are precious resources, both sources of life and teachings, to heal and regenerate us in depth.
Plants can act on several levels, both on our physical body and on our vibratory structure.
Water Medicine and Plant Medicine are linked, to help us contact the emotions and memories that need to be expressed and released with gentleness and kindness. In this women’s circle, you’ll be able to relax in complete safety and welcome what’s there for you.

During this evening, you’ll discover your ally plant of the moment and its medicine, the one that has chosen to help you and accompany you on your path, from which you’ll receive guidance and care.

Information and booking :
Amandine, medium and healer in connection with the Living and the Plant: 06 27 23 93 64

Find me on social networks: Instagram Amandine Bakri / Facebook Amandine Bakri


Suggested by Claire and Charlotte
PAST EVENT – Thursday 23 May 2024 / 7.30pm – €2 to €4/person

On this full moon evening, come one and all to experience the powerful vibrations of this healing energy.

Info and booking:
0618080109 or 0610110767


Suggested by Claudia
PAST EVENT – Saturday, May 25th 2024 – 7pm-9pm – €5

I invite you to come together to sing sacred songs and rekindle the joy in your heart.

The New Moon Circle

Suggested by Béatrice and Océane
PAST EVENT / 10am-5pm – 30€ to 45€ depending on your wishes

The New Moon Circle in June will take place over a whole day to allow us to enter a little more deeply into the space of sacred femininity.

The convivial moment of sharing in Spanish inn mode will find its place between the various proposals.

We’re opening this space up to women who want to discover their sacred femininity and the subtle link that connects us to the Moon. Together, we’ll explore how this can become a precious support in our daily lives and in our personal and collective development.

In order to nurture the balance of giving and receiving, and to contribute to the cost of hiring the space, we are this time proposing a contribution of €30 to €45, or more if there is financial abundance and the impetus to support the project. And if a lack of funds is holding you back from joining us, we invite you to talk to us about it.

If you would like to take part, we invite you to let us know as soon as possible, given the limit of 12 places and in order to take care of our personal and family organisation, no later than the Monday before the circle by text or email, and we’re also here to listen if you have any questions.

Information and booking:
Béatrice: 06 83 18 00 61
Océane: 06 44 01 59 05

Hypnosis and sound bath

Presented by Charlotte and Fanny
PAST EVENT – Sunday 2 June 2024 -11am/12pm – Choice of price

Charlotte Boulé and Fanny Aubin offer you a new inner journey on the theme of creativity, guided by the voice in hypnotic meditation, in synergy with the vibrations of the Tibetan bowls.
A pure moment of relaxation and re-harmonisation.

Information and bookings:
0785362886 – 0618080109
Facebook: joyeuseHypnosis and Thai massage

New Beginnings Weekend

Suggested by lecerclevertueux, yogafeelingg and barbaramindfulness

PAST EVENT – From 7 to 9 June 2024 – €175 to €195/person (depending on the accommodation chosen)

During this weekend, we invite you to give yourself time and space to regenerate, make room and catch your breath.

It’s a precious opportunity for deep integration and cleansing, as well as for building momentum and turning your desires into reality.

You’re constantly changing shape, but everyday life doesn’t always leave room to feel it, or time to redirect your energy and intentions.

The programme includes:
2 nights on the campsite / 2 yoga classes / 1 cocoa ceremony / 1 cosmic breathwork session / 1 olfactory meditation
Breakfast and Ayurvedic massage (meals and travel not included).

Information and booking: lecerclevertueux

Info-conference: What if my relationship difficulties today were rooted in my early childhood experiences?

Suggested by Béatrice
PAST EVENT – Wednesday 12 June 2024 / 7pm – Participation welcome 5 to 15€ according to your means

Development of the human brain and Autonomic Nervous System: – Long-term impact of the relational environment on their development.
- What exactly is trauma?
- What are the consequences for our health, well-being and relationships?
- Recent discoveries in neuroscience on these subjects.
- Modern therapies that can help us heal.
Sometimes understanding Why isn’t enough, but if, like me, you also need that to dare to step out of your comfort zone, or if you’re just curious to find out more about the relationship between your body and your brain, I’ll share with you some of the ways in which, after understanding why I wasn’t experiencing what I loved, I was able to access How to get out of painful relationship patterns.

Information and booking:

06 83 18 00 61


Suggested by Corine
PAST EVENT – Friday 14/06 and 28/06 2024 / 3pm – €12

Need a break from the hustle and bustle of your day?
Creative relaxation offers you a non-judgmental space to explore your inner world through drawing.
Free yourself from stress and perfection and let your creative potential emerge to find unexpected solutions to your daily challenges.

After a round of weather forecasting and refocusing, I offer a creative invitation based on the participants’ inner weather.
You then have the space to draw for 20 minutes before sharing your feelings with us.

No artistic skills required, just you, paper, pencils and a moment to reconnect with yourself.

The materials you need are simple:
Get ready with some A4 paper, a few pencils or felt pens, and that’s it! Let yourself be surprised by the power of simplicity. (If you don’t have any materials, there will be some available).

Book your session now and get ready to relax, create and discover a new world of possibilities!

Book now:

Yoga for parents and children

Offered by Marjolaine
PAST EVENT – Saturday 15 June 2024 from 10am to 11am – 1 hour: €25 for 1 parent and child – €10/additional child
Minimum: 6 people / Maximum: 16 people

4 years ago, I left my first job as a school teacher to move to the Ardèche and teach children in a different way, through the practice of yoga, breathing, welcoming emotions and tools to help them refocus and concentrate.

In these workshops, I want to give children, accompanied by their parents, the chance to experience a joyful moment when their imagination takes them on extra-ordinary journeys combining yoga, breathing, relaxation through sound or storytelling, creating mandalas and so on.

These sessions will be a precious time for the children, enabling them to recognise the emotions that are running through them and gain a better understanding of their bodies. It’s also a special moment, a break between parent and child.

Information and booking: –

Sacred Circle Dances

Proposed by Béatrice
PAST EVENT – Tuesday 18 June / 6.30-8.30 pm – Free and conscious participation (see the website: for more details)
Places are limited to 20 people

I propose to accompany you on a journey around the planet with an evening of Sacred Circle Dancing outdoors, weather permitting, or in the air-conditioned Yurt.
This circle will be followed by a Spanish inn for those who wish.

To register, text or email Béatrice:
06 83 18 00 61 – or

Car pooling can be organised from Joyeuse and possibly from Les Vans and Aubenas depending on who is registered.
You can send me your suggestions or requests by registering and I’ll put you in touch with other dancers in your area :)


Suggested by Jennifer

PAST EVENT – 22 and 23 June 2024 – €280 for the duo (girls must be aged between 5 and 16) – Price excluding accommodation

Welcome to this mother-daughter retreat for a moment of relaxation, co-creation, gentleness, laughter and sharing, specially designed for the two of you in a magnificent yurt in the heart of nature.

As soon as you arrive, you’ll be enveloped in a cocoon of softness. Various workshops and activities will be on offer, as well as breaks just for the two of you, so that you can find yourself in a space where there’s no pressure, no work, no dad, no brothers or sisters, just you…

On the programme: Meditation / Yoga (beginner level) / Beauty workshops / Creative workshops / Outdoor activities / Emotional release / Circle…

Special 1st edition price: 280€ for the Duo for the weekend (This price does not include accommodation and the Saturday evening meal).
A deposit of 100€ will be required to confirm your registration.
Payment can be made in 3 instalments

Accommodation (extra): A 15% discount on the campsite rate will be deducted from your reservation (please contact me beforehand).

Booking required: Jennifer Laupies: 06-37-62-22-85

Sophro-coaching workshop: Be the creator of your life

Proposed by Aurélie and Aline
Sunday 23 June 2024 – 2pm/6pm – 30€/person

This time is dedicated to you. We offer you a space to relax, refocus and welcome yourself as you are. We’ll accompany you during this half-day with workshops in sophrology and coaching. Anchoring yourself in the present, putting down roots, listening to your senses and your inner self. Listen to who we really are, to our nature and our deepest desires.

Booking and registration required
06-18-81-35-76 or 06-21-14-81-40

The detailed programme for the half-day session will be sent to you by email, along with instructions for the equipment required.


Suggested by Amandine
PAST EVENT – Wednesday 26 June 2024 / 7-10pm – €30 per evening / €50 for 2 evenings (including 22/05)
8 participants maximum

I invite you to come and celebrate the lunar star for the Full Moon in a soothing, natural setting by the river. The Full Moon is the moment in the lunar cycle that connects us to the archetypal Mother, in all her power and generosity.
As women, we’ll be celebrating our bodies, our souls and our femininity to connect with Water and Plants. Water and plants are part of us: they are precious resources, both sources of life and teachings, to heal and regenerate us in depth.
Plants can act on several levels, both on our physical body and on our vibratory structure.
Water Medicine and Plant Medicine are linked, to help us contact the emotions and memories that need to be expressed and released with gentleness and kindness. In this circle of women, you’ll be able to relax in complete safety and welcome what’s there for you.

This evening will be dedicated to the subtle and alchemical Medicine of the Rose, which deeply repairs and heals our Feminine Matrix and our Heart.

Information and booking :
Amandine, medium and healer in touch with the Living and the Plant: 06 27 23 93 64

Find me on social networks: Instagram Amandine Bakri / Facebook Amandine Bakri

A day of self-discovery

Proposed by Florence – Lumi’Naissance
PAST EVENT – Saturday 29 June – 9am/6pm – 80 €/person

For one day, I invite you to set off on an inner journey to meet yourself. Supported by the energy of the group, you’ll enjoy timeless experiences through spiritual teachings, body-psychological tools, meditations, shamanic practices, dance and art therapy, in connection with nature…
This journey is a real moment of connection with your body, your heart and your mind.

I look forward to welcoming you and accompanying you in these spaces of expression, exploration and healing, and sharing with you a journey where the soul acts.

For a comfortable journey, space is limited to 10 people.
– Recommended attire: comfortable and supple
– Possibility of being outdoors
– Lunch provided.

Information and booking:
Florence Salort – holistic coach & spiritual healer
06 45 13 69 32 –

Hypnosis and sound vibrations

Proposed by Charlotte and Thierry

PAST EVENT – Sunday 07 July 2024 / 11am-12pm – Price to be decided

Charlotte Boulé and Thierry Brunet offer you a new Inner Journey on the theme of “Re-connecting with your Heart Chakra”, guided by the voice in hypnotic meditation, in synergy with the vibrations of Tibetan and crystalline instruments.

A pure moment of relaxation and re-harmonisation.

Information and booking:
0618080109 or 0616308932

Charlotte: Happy Hypnosis and Thai Massage
Thierry :


Proposed by Claire et Léo
PAST EVENT – Thursday 15 August 2024 -10am/12pm – Price to be decided

Biodanza has its virtues that can be danced. Naturally rediscover the paths of a more connected, more fluid, more joyful and more powerful expression. The body knows, the movement is renewed within the group with lightness and pleasure in an inhabited moment. You can try Biodanza, and we’re delighted to welcome you;

Léo, a guide, combines his curiosity with his talent for storytelling to create a gentle and creative experience. A light-hearted traveller, Léo has been dancing organically for ten years and trained at the Ecole Collaborative de Biodanza® Toulouse Occitanie.

Claire, who trained at the Ecole Collaborative de Biodanza® Toulouse Occitanie, has been spreading Biodanza® in the Sud-Ardèche for the last 5 years, a region that has responded enthusiastically to her proposal. She joyfully deploys her poetry and determination, taking her students on a voyage of discovery that’s both progressive and deeply emotional.

A co-hosted session, followed by a picnic by the water.

Info and booking: