Access bars consciousness® with Claire

July/August, Monday – By reservation
1 hour: €70 |30 minutes (child) €35 – Reduced rate for 4 or more people in the same household

I’ve been practising a range of spiritual and energetic techniques for many years, and I make them available to people who feel the need or desire to discover themselves, their potential and the Forces of Life that animate them deeply.

In particular, I use Access Bars Consciousness®, an extraordinary and extraordinarily simple energy practice.
Its aim is to release the energetic charges contained throughout the skull.
These charges crystallise what are known as limiting beliefs (individual, societal, transgenerational….). A simple, light but precise application of the fingers is all that is needed to achieve the desired energy release. The benefits are many and instantaneous.

My approach is simple, accessible and caring. We are all energy generators; our magic is real. It’s time to honour it.

Guided Relaxation with Charlotte

Every Monday until 19 August at 7pm – By reservation only
Group relaxation session (Monday evening) – 45 min (max 10 people): 10 €/person

I trained as an educator of young children and worked for over 12 years in a specialised environment, in particular with people suffering from autism.
For me, caring for people, altruism, listening and human values are just some of the values that motivate me.

I’ve trained in SAJECE hypnosis, for both individual and group relaxation sessions.
I suggest you let yourself be enveloped by the voice for a reconnection to yourself via this guided meditation for a pure moment of relaxation.

MUDRA: finger yoga with Marie

July/August, Tuesdays from 9.30am to 10.30am – Reservation required

Maximum 10 people – Participation by choice and awareness

MUDRA: simple gestural practices using the fingers, used for their beneficial virtues for over 3000 years.

Finger yoga is the precise positioning of the fingers to connect with the flow of the life force, also known as prana.

In yoga philosophy, it is said that the prana of each Element passes through each finger and that each finger corresponds to a chackra.
The yoga mudra is a way of connecting with what’s inside us, our own nature, but it can also be a real little first-aid kit in case of need in our daily lives.

“Energy flows where attention goes”. Michaël BECKWITH.


Abhyanga Massage with Lola

July/August,Tuesday – Book ahead
1h15: 80 € | 1h00: 70 € | 35 minutes: 50 €

After spending years as a yoga teacher, I trained in Abhyanga massage in 2017.

Wellness has always been among my key values, and my heart is set on sharing with you the ancestral traditions that have been passed on to me.

I am convinced that mental and emotional wellbeing can be achieved through the body, and vice-versa!

Abhyanga massage is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual, traditionally performed with warm oil. The entire body is enveloped from head to toe, resulting in a vigorous balancing effect on the three forms of biological intelligence, called Doshas.

This dynamic and powerful technique restores the flow of energy. The movements gently apply pressure to release tension, improve blood and lymph circulation, and boost the immune system.

Shinrin yoku outing: nature reveals itself! with Maureen

July/August Wednesday – booking essential
1h30 : 12€/adult – 30€/family (2 adults and 2 children) – 6€/additional child
Minimum 5 people / maximum 10 people

I’m a certified shinrin yoku guide, a well-being and nature companion. 

Come and experience a timeless moment: a slow, conscious walk in the tranquillity of nature. Take full advantage of the present moment with sensory, playful and creative invitations for a unique bubble of relaxation.

Shinrin yoku is like a bridge: by opening up our senses, we create a bridge between ourselves and the natural world, allowing us to calm down and connect with our true selves.

For a deep, authentic encounter with yourself and your environment! And some great family moments to boot!

NeurOptimal® dynamic neurofeedback sessions with Béatrice

July/August/September, Wednesday – booking required
30min : €25

As a certified NeurOptimal® practitioner, I offer introductory sessions to this innovative method so that you can make the most of your holidays by offering your brain a real moment of relaxation and letting go.

Because physical well-being depends on brain well-being, NeurOptimal® dynamic neurofeedback, thanks to neuroscience and technological innovations, enables you to update your brain without making any effort, simply by treating yourself to a moment of relaxation to music.
Your brain is informed of its activity by brief interruptions in the sound, which anchors you in the present moment and reconnects it to its resources, so that it naturally focuses on what’s good for you and steers you away from bad habits with ease.

Other benefits of this brain training programme include
– more recuperative sleep
– improved mental performance (less rumination, greater clarity and concentration)
– improved physical performance (relaxation, fluidity, flexibility) better regulation of your emotions
– better self-esteem – more letting go
– more confidence
– more lightness

More information on my website:


Yoga with Angelina

11 July/22 August, Thursday – Book ahead
Session offered by your campsite

I have been nurtured by Indian culture since childhood, so meditation and yoga have always been part of my life. But it was my trip to India that really immersed me in this discipline and the experience changed me deeply, for the better.

For ten years now, yoga has been a cornerstone of my wellbeing, a precious toolkit that eases anxiety, keeps my body fit and my mind soothed.

It was only natural for me to want to share the treasures that this discipline offers. I qualified five years ago and continue to train, while proposing a complete yoga practice that offers the richness and structure of its ancestral teachings, taking inspiration from the modern world, my own experience and whatever resonates with the group, all in an authentic approach to which I add my own personal touch.

My classes are designed to cater for everyone, whatever their age, level or degree of suppleness, and are delivered in French and English.

Come along and try one of my yoga sessions, to awaken the body, unleash vital energy and soothe the mind, to varying degrees depending on the group. This unique session is a blend of meditation, breathing exercises, muscle stretches and a sequence of postures before the final relaxation.

Discovering our chakras through scents and movement with Faustine

July / August : Thursday evening – booking required
1h30 : 22€/adult – 15€/child – Free for under 7s
Minimum 8 adults – Maximum 16 people

A former HR specialist, I’ve been coaching companies and groups and individuals for over 10 years.

In the course of my career, I quickly realised that working solely on the mind is not enough to transform ourselves. So I continue to explore and develop tools linked to our emotions and our vibration. It’s with my Olfactotherapy and Olfactocoaching hat on that I offer you this discovery workshop.

Did you know that your nose has super powers? Smell is the only sense that is disconnected from our mind – it takes us on a journey towards our emotions and bodily sensations.
I invite you, your family and friends to come and enjoy a moment of serious lightness as you explore your 7 main chakras through scent and movement. Come and smell, feel and connect with yourself and the group in a different way!

Oil massage on table with Jana and Julien

July / August : Friday – by appointment
Oil massage on table : Individual session with Jana or Julien : 1h15 – 70 € |1h45 – 90 € |2h15 – 110 €
Duo massage : 1h15 – 140 € | 1h45 – 180 €

I have a passion for music and trained on the accordion. I then turned to perinatal care and trained in support and bonding. I discovered the many benefits of touch. This led me to delve into the rich and exciting world of massage.

Ever since I was young, I’ve been interested in life in all its forms. Until then, my professional life had been dominated by shows, cinema and bees. Taking care of life, of others, of the team, of creation. And why not continue to welcome people, listen to them and take care of them… by massaging!

We are both certified professional masseurs and FFMBE (Fédération Française de Massage Bien-Être) accredited.

In a cosy, caring environment, we offer you a moment of relaxation, a time to reconnect with yourself, a place to let go.
The massage deeply releases tension in the body and mind and helps to regulate the body.

Oil-on-table massage:
Californian, Tui-Na, pregnancy massage, Lemniscate, Polarités… Trained in a range of techniques, we create a unique, made-to-measure massage to suit your needs.

Yoga for parents and children with Marjolaine

July / August, Saturday – By reservation
1h: 25€ for 1 parent and child – 10€/additional child
Minimum: 6 people / Maximum: 16 people

4 years ago, I left my first job as a school teacher to move to the Ardèche and teach children in a different way, through the practice of yoga, breathing, welcoming emotions and tools to help them refocus and concentrate.

In these workshops, I want to give children, accompanied by their parents, the chance to experience a joyful moment when their imagination takes them on extra-ordinary journeys combining yoga, breathing, relaxation through sound or storytelling, creating mandalas and so on.

These sessions will be precious times for the children, enabling them to recognise the emotions that run through them and gain a better understanding of their bodies. It’s also a special moment, a break between parent and child.

Traditional Thai Massage, Foot, Hand & Head Massage with Charlotte

Saturdays until 17 August – By reservation only
Thai massage – 1H30: 75 € | Feet/hands/head – 1H: 50 € | Head or feet/hands – 30 min: 30 €

I trained as an educator of young children and worked for over 12 years in a specialised environment, in particular with people suffering from autism.
For me, caring for people, altruism, listening and human values are just some of the values that motivate me.

I’ve trained in traditional Thai massage and head massage, always in the spirit of going deep to connect with oneself. Stimulating the body, helping it to regenerate and relax.
Thai massage is inspired by Chinese and Indian medicine (acupuncture pressure using the thumbs, kneading and stretching… pressure adapted to each individual). It is practised in soft clothing, without oil, on the floor on a futon.
It stimulates the lymphatic and blood systems. It boosts the immune system and boosts energy levels.
Liberates the body and mind.

Qi Gong & creative workshop with Isabelle

July/August,Sunday – Book ahead
Qi Gong – 1 hour : €15 | Créative workshop – 1 hour : €20/adult –  €15/12-18 years old

Artisan of Art and Light, inspired by the hearts of women and driven by the movement of mind and body. I work with you to open your heart. I help you to activate your magic in welcoming, caring spaces.

Explorations to: maintain your Light, find the off button, continue serenely…

Anchored to the earth and an ally of fire, I live in the Ardèche.

I’ve been practising martial arts for over 20 years, and I invite you to join me for a one-hour Qi Gong class. Qi Gong is a breathing practice based on the knowledge and control of the breath. It combines slow movements, breathing exercises and concentration.

As a crochet craftswoman, I’m keen to pass on my skills in a spirit of joy and kindness. I propose a Jewellery Creation Workshop (materials provided) 1h


PAST EVENT – May/June, Tuesdays – By appointment only
45 minutes: €70

Individual sonotherapy session in the Lotus tent.

A moment of pure relaxation, using the vibrations of Tibetan bowls and tuning forks.

Benefits: Harmonises, reconnects, balances, relaxes, detoxifies and soothes.

Practised clothed on a massage table.


PAST EVENT – June, Monday from 10.00am to 11.00am – By appointment only

Session: €20

Catherine offers a chair yoga session adapted for the comfort of the body.
For people with certain pathologies, pain or who simply have difficulty standing on the floor, this method allows you to open up, feel and experience yoga with ease and gentleness.

Information and booking: